Tuesday, July 13, 2010

James Owen Sullivan

I have never met you.

I have never had the privilege to see you in concert.

I have never had the bravery to attempt to figure out the way your mind worked.

I have never had the talent to play drums as amazingly as you did.

I have never met anybody who can play the drums like you did.

I have never seen, known, known about any person as unique and special as yourself.

I have never been able to fathom how amazing it would have been to have you physically in my life. However, I only ever had you in my life through music.

That, my dear, is enough.

James Sullivan, you changed my life. Not in the cliche “You saved me” way, but you changed my life by helping me to broaden my musical tastes, by giving me the courage to be who I am. I would watch videos with you in them and wonder “How does that man do it? How does he go out and not care what anybody thinks about him?” I was never able to be that way until I knew about you and saw more of you. I never knew you personally, but I know you were an amazing person. You were an amazing person and a phenomenal musician. You are, along with another four wonderfully talented men, my inspiration. That will never change.

I miss you, Jimmy. I miss you more than you could imagine.

And I didn’t even know you.

Zack Baker, Matt Sanders, Brian Haner, Johnny Seward.

I’m sorry for what you’re going through, and I’m sorry for what you’re going to go through. I’m sorry you had to lose your best friend so young, and I’m sorry that there are, indeed, fans that do not respect your privacy enough to give you time to recuperate from this terrible loss. I’m sorry you have a select few crappy fans, but always remember that the majority of us do respect you, your privacy, and your music. We love you through and through. We’re going to be here, and we have been here, for you no matter what decision you make as far as the band. We hope you remain as a band and welcome a new drummer into your brothel, but if you don’t; we understand. We’ll be entirely too upset over it, but we understand and we support any decision you make.

Jimmy, it just hit me tonight, after seeing Zacky V’s shattered custom, that you’re gone. You’re physically gone from this Earth and there is nothing any of us can do to change that. However, you’re always going to be here. Your music is not going to die and your memory is going to live on.

I miss you.

P.S. = again, this isnt my wrtiting but it can reflects my feeling

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